The Secret Nuclear Bunker Visit

Team: Russell, Brad, Ryan, Adam and Simon.

Thanks to Essex Ghost Nights – Matthew and his team for arranging the event and giving a tour before the vigils started. As we were being given the tour both Brad and Simon picked up on a hive of activity in the stairwell area. There was a presence of a woman near the communication room who was asking Brad and Simon to come and visit this area. Brad thanked the presence and advised that we would return later.

Investigation 1 – The tunnel area- The Team walked into the middle of the tunnel, Brad picked up on the presence of man going into the bottom bunk bed who did not want to be disturbed and was not prepared to communicate. We set up the grid laser and Adam and Ryan walked to the end of the tunnel where many noises could be heard. Once Ryan and Adam had returned to the group we began our vigil a shuffling noise could be heard and temperature changes were recorded. Simon and Brad experienced pains in their legs, this presence had difficulty walking, Simon then got the name of Stan which was confirmed by Brad and Russell. Simon thought that the presence was using the wall to drag himself along, but as the torch light shone on the wall written on wall in idelible ink was “BEWARE OF THE GHOST”. Russ confirmed Stan did have trouble walking but the shuffling noise was him trying to remove this sign as Stan was telling us there was nothing to be scared of in this tunnel.

Investigation 2 – Sick Bay – As we entered the first room both Brad and Simon picked up on an agressive presence and it was making them feel uncomfortable and they wanted to move onto the next room. A definite clicking and tapping could be heard by the light switch in the doorway as if someone was trying to turn on the lights. The team moved through the operating theatre and Russ picked up the doctor’s nickname, the whistling doctor. Later on Ryan heard a clear whistle. As we moved into the next sick bay Brad experienced breathing difficulties and pointed us to a bed where he thought the person was and had died within this bay. Simon picked up on a nurse called Jenny who was moving through all the wards she was busy and constantly being called. Simon also picked up and a man wetting the bed and pointed to the bed. (A group following us into the sick bay later smelt a very strong scent of urine). As our vigil was brought to an end we entered the shower room as we called out, large thudding noises were heard and the sound of running water.

Investigation 3 – Plant Room – Ryan began to experience a tightening of the chest in this area as we entered this room Russ picked on a female presence and we all witnessed a movement and Brad and Simon picked up a crouching figure towards the rear of the plant – Russ advised this was a female presence but had to pretend to be a man to work there he picked up on the name of Sam or Sammy. The team recorded temperature changes and picked up some activity on the EMF reader but dismissed these as there were power cables running along the floor and on a side wall. Simon started to experience eye problems and this passed to Brad. Russ saw transfiguration in Brads face. Russ and Simon could see a moustache and both witnessed his face becoming larger. As the team started to walk back through the plant room Simon was shown boiling water being sprayed into the eyes and a face badly burnt. Russ and Ryan both experienced itchy eyes before we ended our vigil in the plant room.

Communication Room investigation – In this room the team all heard clicking and tapping noises and the walkie talkies for the group kept going off in this room. Brad and Simon heard a shuffling noise in the corner of room – not too much else to report on this vigil. The woman who had invited us earlier was no longer in this room but Simon was drawn to the stairs once again.

Stairwell investigation – Brad and Simon were drawn to this area all evening and both picked up on a woman in her fifties. As the team moved to the top of the stair area, a lot of activity was recorded and Russ picked up on some sort of struggle and fight leading from the corridors and someone being pushed over the bannisters. Brad and Simon picked up on a female going over the top of the bannisters and later had this confirmed. Other groups were now returning and forced us to end out vigil but this is an area well worth a full investigation at a future visit.

Investigation overview – This was an excellent site and a lot of activity within the complex.


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